Battle Report: Return to War – T’au vs. Tyranids
Leviathan GT Mission – Search and Destroy Deployment
It feels like it had been years since I last played Warhammer, and my opponent, Joe, was returning to the game after nearly two decades away. We decided on a straightforward 'Take and Hold' mission using the Leviathan GT deck, as it was on hand. With Search and Destroy deployment set, we prepared for battle.
The transport's hull thrummed beneath Shas’nel Ry’ko as the Devilfish skimmed across the scorched ruins, its engines whispering the promise of swift deployment. Through his helmet display, Ry’ko observed the enemy approach from the center: a seething tide of chitinous horrors, their ranks parted by three towering monstrosities—two lumbering juggernauts with shrieking maws and a winged terror that seemed to command the swarm with unseen will.
"All units," he relayed through the comms, his voice steady despite the tension crawling up his spine, "maintain formation. We strike with precision. For the Greater Good."
"Stealth Cadre 7 reporting contac—" The line went to static. His display flickered, showing heat blooms where his Stealthsuits had taken position among the ruins.
Ry’ko’s eyes narrowed. From the shadows, bladed horrors with unnerving speed had descended upon his entrenched teams. His HUD displayed the biometrics of his Stealthsuits flatlining as their forms were shredded by scything talons. "Such... savagery." he thought grimly. Even worse, the creatures surged forward, a mass of teeth and claws, toward the Fire Warriors and Kroot nestled deep in their lines.
"Kroot! Hold the line!" he barked, his voice a whip crack through the chaos. "Firewarrior reserves: employ close-quarters tactics and whittle these beasts down where they stand!"
After surging forward, the Devilfish's hatches blasted open, and Ry’ko surged out with his Breachers.
"Seeker payloads! Fire on my mark!" he ordered, and streaks of death erupted from the transports and escorting Piranhas, hurtling toward one of the towering behemoths.
Pulse blasters unleashed torrents of fire. The beast’s carapace shattered where the volleys struck true, ichor spilling from its gaping wounds—yet it did not fall. It roared, a bone-shaking shriek of defiance.
Ry’ko's fists clenched. "By the Ethereals... it still stands. How can this be?" he thought, his battle doctrine wavering. They had always preached Kauyon—patience, traps, the kill at range. Why had he struck so boldly?
Was he too eager to prove himself?
A flurry of urgent comm-chatter broke through.
"Pathfinder Team 3! Multiple contacts! We’re... Etherals have mercy... what is THAT?"
The feed flickered, showing a tide of smaller beasts, their clicking mandibles and needle-like limbs closing in. A grotesque creature with writhing tendrils and a bulbous, pulsating crown seemed to drive them, an unseen pressure creeping into Ry’ko’s mind. His breaths quickened; his pulse thundered. "Shadow... in the mind... So, the tales are true."
A brilliant flash—the Pathfinders' photon grenade detonated, a sudden burst that blinded the enemy advance. Pulse fire erupted, felling dozens. But the horde... it did not stop. It could not stop.
The screams that followed needed no translation.
As a counter-surge to their defiance, the behemots strode out and screamed... a searing heat-wave preceded the bio-plasma torrent. The deaths from his Breachers filled the air before cutting to silence. As the smoke cleared, only Ry’ko remained, his armor blackened, his pulse rifle shaking from the intensity of the blasts.
Then they charged.
Two beasts, their bellowing cries like the death-knell of stars. The first bore down on him, and Ry’ko moved with the swiftness of instinct alone—duck, slide, fire. Claws tore through the air inches from his helm. His shots sparked against the monster’s armored hide, but it pressed on.
The earth shook with the measured cadence of railgun fire. Thunderous impacts punched through the towering monstrosities. Both beasts collapsed, a tangle of pulverized bone and flesh.
For a heartbeat, hope flickered.
A chittering wave—those never-ending lesser creatures—rushed the Broadsides. Fresh from devouring the Pathfinders, they swarmed the battlesuits, mandibles clattering against ceramite.
Then... a shadow. The sky darkened.
"...Shas'nel," came a whisper through the comms. "...Above..."
Silence. Smoke. Death.
Ry’ko lived.
When he awoke, he was alone. Smoke and ruin. His cadre, gone.
The monstrous shadow... gone.
But why? Why had he survived?
The Ethereals taught that there was no room for selfish pride in the Greater Good. Yet, a voice within him questioned:
"Was I spared... for a purpose? Or... was this the creature's design?"
For the first time, Shas'nel Ry’ko’va’n’shi’al’or felt something unexpected.