Narrative version of an old battle

In a universe where time intertwines with destiny, the ageless Necrons face off against the spirited Tau. As the vast plains echo with the songs of warfare, one must wonder: Can the ancient machinery of the Necrons withstand the raw vigor of the Tau? Will Harut's strategic prowess prove enough in the face of unexpected challenges? And amidst the chaotic dance of battle, who will emerge to inscribe their chapter in the annals of eternity? Venture forth and witness a confrontation where fervor meets foresight, and where every decision can tip the balance of fate.

This is a retelling of one of my first battle reports to test the limits of what GenAI can do.

The vast horizon spread out in front of Harut, a seamless expanse of gritty sand, its grains reminders of time’s endless passage. The wind whispered tales of ancient wars and forgotten promises, but to the Necrons, such tales were not merely stories; they were memories etched into their metallic souls.
Harut stood motionless, the wear of countless millennia evident in his intricately designed frame. He was a testament to the incredible craftsmanship of the Necrontyr: a race that had once sought mortality’s relief but now was bound to an eternity of metallic existence.
Before him, rows upon rows of Necron warriors began to form their ranks. Silent, purposeful, and methodical, they moved as one, each motion a synchronized dance of protocols formed eons ago. The glint of their green energy cores stood out in stark contrast to the amber hue of the battlefield.
But as the Necrons formed their positions, a different energy approached from the horizon. The Tau. Young, impetuous, and fiery, they were but infants in the grand timeline the Necrons adhered to. Yet, their youthful vigor was not to be underestimated. Their rapid advancements and adaptability had been a thorn in the side of many older races, and the Necrons had taken note.
As Harut observed, the Tau began their war chants, their voices echoing with passion and fervor. Battlesuits took to the sky, their jet thrusters leaving trails of smoke in their wake. The imminent clash of the old world against the new weighed heavily on the horizon.
From behind Harut, a deep resonance emerged. It was the voice of the Necron Overlord Autharok, an entity whose age dwarfed even the oldest of stars. “The Eons gather, Harut,” he intoned, devoid of emotion yet seething with purpose. “The Tau may be young, but they are not without merit. Prepare.”
Harut responded with a silent nod, his gaze unwavering from the impending storm of conflict. The weight of eternity pressed down upon their metallic shoulders. Amidst the gathering of eons, the ancient and the new were poised to clash, each striving to inscribe their chapter in the annals of time.
Amid the vastness of the desert, the last moments of calm echoed like the quiet before a great tempest. A few paces from Harut, Autharok stood, majestic and enigmatic. Every groove on his armor whispered tales of countless battles and age-old strategies. His very presence seemed to draw from an endless well of time.
Feeling Autharok's piercing gaze, Harut met his eyes. “Harut,” the Overlord voiced, his tone as ageless as the cosmos itself. “The Tau’s spirit blazes like a beacon in this vast universe. Yet we are the undying embers, remnants of a fire kindled eons past. We must endure.”
Harut, ever the unwavering subordinate, met Autharok’s gaze, awaiting the ancient wisdom his superior would impart. The weight of countless millennia rested heavily between them, an unspoken testament to the trust that only beings of their tenure could share.
“Their tactics will be unorthodox, unpredictable. But our protocols have stood the test of time. Remember them. Remember our purpose,” Autharok continued, an edge of urgency in his tone.
Harut's internal circuits processed the gravity of Autharok's words, his protocols aligning to the directive. “The chronicles of our existence have been written with the ink of persistence and purpose, my Overlord. They shall not be smudged by youthful exuberance.”
A faint trace of what might have been appreciation, had Necrons been capable of such a sentiment, flickered in Autharok's eyes. “The weight of our legacy rests upon you now. Lead them, Harut, with the wisdom of our past and the precision of our protocols.”
Silence reigned, punctuated only by the distant fervor of the Tau. Harut, now imbued with an even deeper understanding of his role, faced the horizon. The weight of an ancient legacy bore down on him, but with the trust of Autharok, he stood unyielding.
As moments passed, the ancient sands below Harut’s feet began to quiver, resonating with a tremor that foretold the arrival of the Tau. The horizon pulsed to life with a surge of energy; vivid dances of blue and white arcs of light marked their imminent approach. The Tau, though young in comparison, brought a vigor that reverberated across the dunes. War cries, mingled with the humming of their jetpacks and the charging of their rail rifles, painted a soundscape of anticipation. Then, with jarring suddenness, a torrent of pulse rounds illuminated the landscape. Their trajectories might have seemed erratic, but each shot held a deadly purpose. The Tau’s youthful zeal, intertwined with their audacious tactics, was a sight to behold — an unpredictable storm set against the backdrop of the ancient desert.
Harut, channeling eons of strategic protocol, adjusted his stance, his luminous eyes narrowing. Around him, his Necron brethren moved with a calculated grace, their motions rehearsed by the passage of time. Every step, every formation, every countermove reflected the wisdom of millennia. But even their practiced maneuvers were momentarily challenged by the unpredictability of the Tau.
As pulse rounds met the cold, unyielding Necron armor, an ethereal dance began. The ancient machinery of the Necrons whirred and pulsed in rhythm, a serene ballet juxtaposed against the raw, wild volleys of the Tau.
“They burn bright and fierce, but eons have taught us the art of patience,” Harut transmitted, directing his units with an undercurrent of assurance. The initial onslaught, however chaotic, was a testament to the youthful fervor of the Tau. But the Necrons, with their age-old wisdom, stood firm as time's chosen sentinels.

Amidst the ethereal dance of battle, a singular force began to distinguish itself from the chaotic tapestry of the Tau ranks. Glowing blade in hand, shielded by shimmering energy, the figure cut a determined path through the skirmish, his sights set unmistakably on Autharok. It was Commander Farsight, a beacon of audacious intent amidst the frenzied Tau offensive.
From his vantage point, Harut’s optics zoomed in on this new focal point of the confrontation. As Farsight came to a hovering stop before Autharok, the thrusters of his battlesuit kicked up a miniature sandstorm, encapsulating the two leaders in a swirling, charged atmosphere. The air grew thick with anticipation, awaiting the inevitable clash between these two formidable foes.
“You,” Farsight’s voice boomed, his vocal modulations breaking through the cacophony of battle, “Overlord of dust and decay. You who cling to the memories of a time long forgotten. Do you not see the dawn of a new era?”
Autharok, an epitome of stillness against Farsight's kinetic energy, responded with a voice that echoed the weariness of epochs. “Young one, we are the testament of time, the sentinels of eternity. Your dawn is but a fleeting moment in our endless chronicle.”
Farsight, with fire in his eyes, brandished his blade, its energy pulsing with anticipation. “Then let this moment be the one where the old makes way for the new!” Harut, observing from a distance, felt the weight of this pivotal confrontation — a collision of epochs, where audacity dared to challenge ancient might. The very air seemed charged, the tides of battle shifting as two formidable leaders prepared for their duel.
The atmosphere crackled with tension as Farsight's boldness met Autharok's ancient prowess. Their dance of fate was a mesmerizing play of thrusts and parries. Yet, as they clashed, the Tau forces were not idle. Hidden amidst the turmoil, a coordinated barrage of railgun shots was launched, all aimed with lethal precision at Autharok. Harut's advanced processors raced to predict the outcome, and his vocalization, stark and urgent, echoed across the battlefield. “No!”
But time, for once in eons, was not on the Necrons’ side. The railgun salvo found its mark. The Overlord, a paragon of ancient power and dominance, was caught in the explosive fury of the Tau weaponry. When the blinding light and smoke cleared, Autharok lay inert, his metallic form scorched and offline.
Around him, the Necron warriors paused. It was not fear, for they knew no such sentiment, but a recalibration of protocols in the face of the unpredictable. The very sands beneath them seemed to tremble, echoing the shockwave of disbelief.
Farsight, perhaps equally surprised by the turn of events, raised his blade in a victorious stance, a clear message to both his troops and the opposing Necron forces. The tide of the battle had shifted, unpredictably and swiftly. Harut, recalibrating amidst the sudden reprogramming of battle strategies, felt the magnitude of Autharok's fall. It wasn’t merely a tactical setback; it underscored the vulnerability of even the ancient and revered when faced with the unpredictable throes of warfare. At this crucial juncture, Harut became central to the evolving tapestry of this eternal chronicle.
The ensuing metallic hush enveloping the Necron ranks was abruptly shattered. Processing the staggering turn of events, Harut's once serene green eyes pulsed with renewed intensity. "Initiate Protocol: Vengeance Surge," he transmitted, his commands resonating through the intricate neural lattice connecting every Necron warrior present.
Lychguards, previously guarding the flanks, moved with renewed purpose, their shimmering warscythes reflecting the pale light of the distant stars. Harut's Crypteks, ancient masters of Necrontyr technomancy, began manipulating the very fabric of reality, distorting spacetime to their advantage.
Flayed Ones, the most sinister of their kind, their forms an eerie blend of metallic structure and draped organic remnants, emerged from the shifting sands, catching the Tau fire warriors off guard. Their fearsome claws tore through the enemy ranks, turning the tide with each fell swoop.
Harut moved to the forefront, his mechanical form moving fluidly. Each step, each decision was a testament to the millennia of tactical warfare embedded in his core protocols. Approaching the Cryptek Havit’yun, he transmitted, "Prepare the Tesseract Ark. Its power shall be our tipping point."
Havit’yun, registering the command, responded with an immediate affirmation, "It shall be done, Lord Harut. The Tau will feel the might of the stars."
As the Necrons initiated their vengeful offensive, the atmosphere of the battlefield underwent a transformation. Ancient technology sang through the air, and the very earth seemed to thrum in concert with the Necrons' indomitable spirit. Amidst this upheaval, Harut, luminous and commanding, became the embodiment of an ancient power's resurgence, determined not to succumb.
The Tau, despite their fierce zeal, found themselves ensnared in a tempest of calculated fury. This onslaught was unyielding, orchestrated by beings who had beheld the life cycles of countless stars. Harut's rise was more than a mere shift in leadership; it signified the reawakening of an ancient tempest, poised to reassert its sovereignty.
Amid the tempest of battle and amidst the vibrant exchanges of energy, the Necrons coalesced around a singular goal: the Tau commander, the audacious challenger and orchestrator of Autharok's downfall, must be neutralized. Harut, alongside Havit’yun, moved with chilling purpose. Their synergy wasn't communicated through words, but a bond forged over centuries and a profound connection of their neural networks. They darted through the battlefield like wraiths, their intent growing ever clearer with each passing moment.
The Tau commander, realizing the impending danger, called upon his elite bodyguards. But the precision of the Necrons was unparalleled. Havit’yun, tapping into the volatile energies of the Tesseract Ark, released a controlled burst that disrupted the protective shield around the Tau leader, momentarily causing electronic disarray.
Using this opening, Harut lunged forward, his weapon singing with energy. The confrontation was swift, the culmination of meticulous strategy and impeccable timing. In mere moments, the Tau commander lay neutralized, his life signs flickering out as his armor systems failed.

The battlefield, momentarily, seemed suspended in time. Harut, basking in his triumph, indulged in a transient sense of gratification. His green eyes captured the reflection of the fallen commander, symbolizing the Necron's unmatched strategic mastery. This wasn't just about vengeance but a declaration, an echo of the timeless fervor that dwelled within the ancient soldiers.
As the Tau regrouped from the devastating loss of their figurehead, the Necrons, galvanized under Harut's unwavering leadership, seized the momentum. The pivotal defeat of the Tau commander underscored Harut's command and the relentless spirit of the Necron race.
However, even as triumphant cries resounded amongst the Necrons, Harut found himself amidst the remnants of fierce combat, the vastness of the battlefield strewn with the scars of a timeless struggle. Fallen Necron warriors, each representing a blend of age-old technology and determination, dotted the scene. Mute. Inert. Their lifeless silhouettes, showcasing catastrophic system failures, caught the dim gleam of distant stars, painting a solemn tableau of enduring time and loss. The sprawling vista of lost brethren evoked a profound silence, juxtaposing the prior tumult of battle.
Harut, stoic and composed, felt a pang of grief—a rare emotion for his kind. Each shutdown warrior was not just a unit, but a chronicle, a history encapsulated in metal and energy. The resilience of the Necrons, as mighty and ageless as it was, was not immune to the unpredictable whims of fate.
Walking among the fallen, Harut touched the crest of one of the warriors, his fingertips caressing the intricate engravings that bore tales of millennia. This scene, both haunting and humbling, was a testament to the impermanence of outcomes, even for beings who defied time itself.
The tension was palpable. Even with their meticulous tactics and recent successes, the possibility of the skirmish turning against the Necrons' favor loomed large. Harut’s sensors absorbed the scent of charred metal and charged air, underscoring the toll of warfare. This temporary setback, though a cause for reflection, also reaffirmed Harut's mission and the immense responsibility he held. The stillness of the battlefield served as a reflective surface, not only for Harut but for the entirety of Necron history, helping them fathom their intricate role in the endless expanse of time.
Amid the vestiges of the fierce clash, Harut remained steadfast, an emblem of resilience in a universe seasoned by infinite confrontations. The horizon, brushed with shades of crimson and deep blue, silently observed the remnants of Tau and Necron combatants, highlighting the ephemeral nature of such encounters. Yet, Harut's focus transcended the immediate devastation. His vision seemed to traverse epochs, journeying beyond the tangible, into the vast abyss of time itself. The ever-present stars overhead, with their subtle shimmer, narrated chronicles of myriad galaxies, numerous confrontations, and infinite dreams. In the grand tapestry of the cosmos, where did a single battle, a lone world, or a fleeting moment stand?
His once-focused mind, trained for strategic precision, now wandered through the corridors of existence. Each skirmish, each victory, each loss was but a droplet in the eternal river of time. The skirmish with the Tau, as fierce and consuming as it had been, was but a blink in the grand dance of galaxies.
Drawing a deep, mechanical breath, Harut contemplated. Were they, the ageless Necrons, too ensnared in the same cycle of fleeting victories and losses as the younger, more volatile Tau? Were all beings, irrespective of their lifespans, bound by the same futility of seeking permanence in an ever-changing universe?
The stillness of the scene was punctuated only by the soft hum of Harut's energy core. He realized, with profound clarity, the triviality of seeking dominance in a universe that remained indifferent to the squabbles of its inhabitants. A universe that had seen civilizations rise and fall, stars birthed and extinguished.
As the first light of dawn began to pierce the horizon, Harut's silhouette, still and contemplative, became emblematic of a greater truth—a meditation on the cyclical nature of existence. In the relentless pursuit of power and dominion, beings often forget the transitory nature of their endeavors. The true challenge, perhaps, was not in conquering realms, but in understanding one's insignificance in the face of the boundless cosmos.
With that, Harut turned, leaving behind the remnants of a battle, carrying with him an eternal reflection—a realization of the infinitesimal speck that was conflict, against the grand canvas of time.
