I'm excited to share my recent projects for my Chaos army. I've been doing some kitbashing and I wanted to log some of my recent creations!
Large Terminator Chaos Lord
Got an old Logan Grimnar recast model I wasn't going to use, so I decided to turn him into a Chaos Lord. I added some Possessed bits to give him a chaotic and mutated look. I had a blast doing this project, and I'm pretty happy with how he turned out. I can't wait to unleash him on the battlefield!
Mixed Legionnaires
I decided to mix some of the Warhammer Imperium Premium Kit with old Chaos Space Marine bits to create some unique Legionnaires. I love how I was able to extend the original 10-man kit into a horde with all the spare weapons and keep it with the modern Chaos aesthetic.
Scaled up Terminator Lord
I have an old Terminator Lord that I wanted to make taller and more imposing. I used greenstuff to sculpt a frayed belt around his waist, and it worked great! It was a simple technique, but it really made a big difference in the final look of the model.
Chaos Bikers
I had a lot of leftover bits from the Legionnaires project, so I decided to add them to some old school Chaos Biker kits. I used Legionnaire heads and weapons, and added other bits like shoulder pads and backpacks as well as awesome trophy racks! I had a blast making them, and I'm pretty happy with how they turned out.
I hope you enjoyed seeing some of my recent projects! Kitbashing is a really fun way to make your models stand out and give them a unique look. I can't wait to keep experimenting and creating more Chaos goodness for my army. Now onto painting!