[batrep] BC 40k League - First League game - Necrons vs Space Wolves

Had the opportunity to play my first match for the BC 40k League this week on the Play On studio, who graciously accepted to host me and my opponent Patrick!

The mission we played was number 11 - RETRIEVAL MISSION that placed 6 objectives in a diamond and makes us deploy on the long table edges as you can see below.

Necron Army consisted of
  • Nihilakh battalion (7 cp)
    • Catacomb Command Barge (warlord)
    • Lokhust Destroyer
    • Royal Warden
    • 19x Necron Warriors
    • 10x Necron Immortals
    • 10x Necron Immortals
    • 9x Warscythe Lychguard
    • 8x Sword and Shield Lychguard
    • 5x Deathmarks
    • 3x Lokhust Destroyers + Heavy Destroyer
    • 3x Lokhust Destroyers + Heavy Destroyer
Necrons Secondaries were:
  • Engage on All fronts - scored by having units on all quadrants
  • Raise the banners - scored by performing actions and holding objectives
  • Purge the vermin - scored by preventing the enemy from having units on table quarters
Space Wolves army consisted of
  • Space Wolf battalion (7cp)
    • Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf
    • Wolf Priest on Bike
    • Phobos Runepriest
    • 5x Thunderwolves
    • 5x Thunderwolves
    • 5x Incursors
    • 5x Incursors
    • 5x Assault Intercessors
    • Cyberwolf
    • 5x Longfangs with multi-meltas
    • Redemptor Dreadnought 
Space Wolves Secondaries were:
  • Engage on All fronts - scored by having units on all quadrants
  • Raise the banners - scored by performing actions and holding objectives
  • Warrior Pride - scored by making charges every turn
The Necrons deployed in a wide line with the Lychguard on the center and the bulk of their infantry on the far side of the board. the destroyers held back behind cover to prevent enemies from dropping in their deployment zone.

The wolves deployed in a reserved manner as to have cover, despite the Necron army not really having that great long-range threats to offer.

Loved the fur color on this Cyberwolf, one of my favorite models on the line.

The Dakhma Shieldmaidens made for holding the frontline .

The Wolves got first turn and advanced carefully, staying within a protective bubble of powers and spells from the Librarian.

The Necrons moved forward and claimed their share of land, raising banners like their opponents.

Both armies were very cautious with their movement, the Necrons knew the wolves had their choice of when to engage and there was no benefit in expediting that.

The Wolf Cavalry was eager to join the fight, but even at the end of Turn 2 that had not happened yet and only minor losses due to long range fire had been had on both sides.

The Necrons finally pressed their lines against the incoming fury of the Vulka Fenryka, but their shots were deflected by the stormshields and failed to make a deep enough loss on their side.

Forced to drop backfield, the Wolf Guard on Jump Pack were intercepted by the Deathmark, who where then intercepted by a second squad of veterans dropping in behind them to cover the Wolves back objectives.

The wolves finally make contact with the Shield Lychguard at the end of their 3rd turn, assault doctrine in effect to devastating results.

The far side was also met with the warriors, who were cleaned up to the last model with and exact number of wounds inflicted. A single extra successful save could have meant a lot of reanimation, but not this day.

Cursed by the storms cast by the librarian, the countar-charge of the Lychguard was a liability since they were forced to fight last, and their best bet was to cover as much ground and preserve the destroyers and Immortals holding the backfield.

On the Wolves backfield, the Deathmarks had claimed the objective held by the Wolf Guard and charged the sargeant in hopes of clearing the field, while a fresh unit of Immortals and the Royal Warden had vailed in to help contest their backfield.

This now lone wolf saved round after round of combat while it grinded down the Deathmark to its last models.

The Immortals would soon be challenged and killed by the other veteran squad.

Having failed to deliver enough return damage against the Thunderwolf Cavalry, the Necron backfield folded on turn 4 once close combat was upon them.

A glorious victory for the rout, scoring 70 points over the 47 the Necrons managed to secure.

Many lessons learned on this first League game, and an epic battle against a most excellent opponent.

