The T'au caste comes to a desert outpost where Shadowsun loyalists have made camp. The ethereals are very clear that this is an affront to the Greater Good and these rebels must be erradicated!
The mission is drawn: Burn and Pillage with Battle Frenzy, meaning those T'au really do not tolerate each other anymore... The Rebels must hold on to their objectives, otherwise the T'au empire can simply destroy them.
The rebels set-up right at the edge of their deployment hoping to jump with their guns amidst the enemy formation and hit hard and early.
A group of rebel Firewarriors sets-up atop a building, providing covering fire to the Battlesuits at the center.
Rebel Battlesuits move out of the wall opening and spread fire amongst the loyalist Kroot militia outside. They manage to kill a lot, but are left out in the open and without support. The smell of blood and desire for vengeance sends the Kroot in a frenzied howl!
Shadowsun and her Stealthsuits use the thick compund walls as cover from the Firewarriors as they move in on the Battlesuits.
All loyalist forces converge on the exposed Battlesuits, the few surviving Kroot at the forefornt bay and howl at their former masters.
Determined to make an example out of the rebels, the T'au commander aims his Nova Cannons at his erstwhile brothers.
Under the concentrated fire of the enemy and the furious vengeance charge of the Kroot all rebel Battlesuits and drones are destroyed. From atop their smoking ruined armor the loyalists prepare for a counter-attack.
On the Rebel counter-attack their backup suits and Commander open up on the exposed loyalist suits and clear them up in return.
However now the Loyalist forces have broken into the compound and start to threaten the objective markers. Firewarriors flood the central plaza.
Rebel Kroot sacrifice themselves in a foolish charge, being cut down with a merciless overwatch fire for the grater good!
The few surviving Firewarriors atop the building start to question their will to revolt and run away as morale starts to thin them down.
The Loyalist Commander, still fresh from battle, coordinates fire with Shadowsun and takes out the rebel Broadside.
Meanwhile, a Stealth team hunts down the rebel Commander and destroys one objective, setting an end to the rebellious group and securing a victory for the mighty T'au Empire!