[batrep] Warhammer 40k - Space Wolves vs Death Guard Massacre at the Bloody Rock

This was a bloody massacre where the Death Guard faced off against the Fury of the Space Wolves.

Death Guard Muster in the background.

The Poxwalkers surround their precious demon engines.

The Wulfen Dreadnought leads the charge.

Space Wolves follow the metal giant. They are accompanied by a Dark Angels Librarian.

Wulfen and Blood Claws infiltrate behind enemy lines.

Wulfen and Blood Claws crash against the line of enemies.

Surrounded, the Dreadnought uses wide scything swings of his axe.

The Heroes charge!

Terminators come in for the counter-assault.

Their Stormbolters make a sound like that of a wave crashing on rocks.

The Demon Prince is cut down to great sacrifice.

The Death Guard terminators move in for the charge.

Defiance in the face of death.

Lone survivors are hunted down as the Death Guard claim a close victory.
