Had another game with the new Codex but without the Big FAQ yet.
My list consisted of a bunch of infantry and Destroyers in a Nephrekt Detachment.
His list was a horde of Pox Walkers and Cultists with Plaguecrawler supporting fire.
Deployment and Mission
We had both one objective on our deployment zones worth 3 points at the end of the game.
The battlefield consisted of a bunch of Imperial ruins.
His deployment covered all his corner in undead.
The two Plaguecrawlers sat at the back.
My deployment was a scattering of Warrior bodies protecting the Cryptek. Also in are a small 5-man immortal squad and 3 Scarabs.
Deployment finished, DG got initiative.
Initial turns
DG basically spent all their slowly advancing their horde. Poxwalkers moving 4'' really hurts them, but it's funny and fluffy to picture the zombie horde shambling forward in undisciplined fashion.
By the second Turn the Necrons had already established their beachhead and started hosing down the horde. The returning fire from the Plague crawlers failed to deliver any sustained damage as the downed Necrons would simply reanimate.
The horde spews out of the ruins like a gooey mass of bodies.
Typhus teleports in behind the Necron Destroyers seeking to eliminate their threat, but fails the charge and vanishes from the battlefield in a hail of gauss cannon fire.
Later turns
The two artillery pieces managed to eliminate scarabs and the 5-man immortal squad, but can't really wipe the Destroyers in time to counter their regeneration, especially once they retreated behind ruins, blocking out line of fire.
The Necrons keep retreating and shooting, thinning the incoming horde.
On the fifth turn the Cryptek and Warriors teleport in to claim Linebreaker as well as silence those guns on a charge.
On the sixth turn the Poxwalkers finally connect the charge, but their numbers are low and their threat has been diminished by six turns of Gauss fire raining down on them.
With the warriors in combat against the Plague crawlers their cannons are silenced as the machines try to maneuver over the metallic bodies that swarm in on them.
Clearing out the Poxwalkers the Necrons have claimed a solid 6x3 victory with their own objective, Slay the Warlord, Linebreaker and First Blood.