[hobby] Multi purpose desert cliffs

I'm tired of playing Infinity solely on cityscapes, so I decided to make a new set of terrain for wargaming. It'll be a multi-purpose set of hills/cliffs to adapt my terrain for both 8th edition 40K and Infinity.
After careful planning I decided to go for the following build: It's a set of three large base tiles with two end cap sections (that can be used as a standalone hill) and some scatter.
For infinity compatibility, I'm making a ton of these pieces to have built-in cover, sniper perches and other elevated parts.
In the last picture you can see a proof-of concept finished hill (sans painting) to demonstrate how much cover these pieces can offer.
You can also see some sample builds. If you add some more normal scatter (boxes, barrels and a few buildings, I think I can create a stunning and functional infinity table that detracts from the usual cityscapes and industrial centers we are all used to.

You can see some of the modularity and height in these pictures. I also demonstrate how it all packs into quite a small volume for storage, considering how much table they cover.

These large cat litter rocks are used in abundance around the sculpted pieces to hide seams and transitions. It also gives a more natural look to the finished piece.

Medium grit cat litter to make the transition between the larger rocks and the flat areas.

Fine dirt to coat any large, walkable horizontal flat surface.

Last coat is a mix of watered down PVA and dirt over any exposed rock left. I also use this mix to fix any leftover spots.
