[hobby] Warhammer 40k - getting ready for a tournament

So I have a tournament coming up in three months time. So much to do!

Here's the list of what I need to finish for it:
5x Warscythe Lychguard
1x Night Scythe
10x Scarab Swarms
6x Wraiths
2x Tomb Spiders
3x Tomb blades

Luckly, I have previously assembled the tomb blades and half the scarabs, but all else must be done from the start.

Só today I spent a good amount of time planning and got a few units assembled.

Here are my Wraiths. I dislike the perching position of the official miniatures. I also think they are a tad too big, so I slimmed them down a bit and made them more like a scorpion. My thought is that they impale their victims with the tail and dismember them with their claws.

My first five lychguard. I thought about magnetized weapons, but I lack the time and correct magnets for the job.

Finally, I started assembling my version of the tomb spider. I love the official model but I'm short on cash, so I'll just use my original kitbashed idea.
